My Simple and Foolproof 11 Step Guide to the most Fudgy and Perfect Chocolate Cookies

 Hi! In this blog post I'm going to be sharing with you my most precious and perfect recipe to the most fudgy and delicious chocolate cookies. Without any further ado, let the recipe begin.


1. 2 1/2 Cups (320 Grams) of All purpose Flour

2. 4 room temperature slices of butter (200 Grams)

3. 1 cup (200 Grams) Powdered Sugar (Crystalized will also do but small bits of sugar will get caught in your mouth) You can also use Brown sugar if you have it but a lot of people like me don't so any is okay :)

 4. A pinch of salt

5. 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract (4 Grams)

6.  3 Grams of Baking Powder

7. Approximately 3 dashes of Baking Soda (2 Grams)

8. 2 room temperature eggs

9. 200/300 Grams of Dark Chocolate. I use Moulde or the big bar of VanHouten chocolate, if you do too, take only two sections of it. You can add more as per your liking but adding two sections of it makes it really chocolatey already. (Keep the dark chocolate out of your fridge while cooking or keep it outside for about an hour because it gets really hard to cut it)


1. The perfect cookie has to have crispiness on the outside and the dough has to be a bit uncooked and soft on the inside. To get that, you need the perfect amount of uncooked dough, not too much, and not too less, so for that perfect amount, sift and add your flour to a baking pan, you can sift this before baking it or after, I always do it before because it's less tiring, but you do you :) As 320 grams is a lot, use a rubber spatula to layer it down. Place this in a preheated oven for 10 minutes at 190 Degrees Celsius, my oven is a bit faster so it can take 15 minutes or more too, when you take it out, make sure it has a light brown colour. Place the flour aside. (If you didn't sift the flour before baking, do it now)

2. Take the butter and put it into another bowl. Combine the slices a bit with a rubber spatula, don't worry if it doesn't mix properly, it just means that your butter is a bit stiffer, you can use an electric hand mixer too but don't mix it too much, just for 1-2 minutes :)

3. After your butter has combined, add the sugar into the butter and mix with a rubber spatula/Electric hand mixer if you want it faster. Mix it for 8-9 minutes, it should have a soft consistency like batter now.

4. Add one egg into the mixture and mix, gradually add another egg. Switch to a whisk now as it'll be difficult to mix it with a rubber spatula and it won't be mixed properly. I know it doesn't look very nice when you're mixing the eggs but trust me, that's how it's supposed to look :)

5. Whisk until completely combined and then add a pinch of salt and the Vanilla extract. Whisk until properly combined. Keep this aside for now.

6. Put the baked flour into another bowl and add the baking powder and baking soda into it. Mix these dry ingredients with a small spoon/Whisk until combined. Only do this when the flour has completely cooled. You can jam some music while waiting for it to cool :)

7. Now add the flour mixture into the dough (Butter and sugar batter). You can sift this while putting the flour in the batter but I personally like to do it before even baking it. Mix it with a whisk/Rubber spatula until you can't see the flour. Mix this thoroughly as this is the final dough. PS: Do not use an electric mixer, it'll make your dough more like a batter.

8. The cookie dough is ready! It tastes amazing! You can eat small bits of it but just don't finish the whole thing because it's addictive 😂. Cut the Dark chocolate (You can cut big or small chunks as per your liking) and add it to the cookie dough and mix. I know it's really hard to mix it and we struggled to mix it every time so this time, we used our hands, and it's not that disgusting unless you wash your hands thoroughly before mixing. You can also mix it with a spatula. 

9. Once the chocolate is completely combined and there are no chunks of it left at the bottom of the bowl, take some parchment paper and place it on your baking pan. You can also cover the bowl with plastic wrap before putting the parchment paper and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes (This is completely optional). This is for lowering the dough temperature because when the temperature is high, it becomes a little flat while the cookies are being baked, but I've skipped this step many times and the cookie still rose, so if you want to be on the safer side you can do it :) Anyways, back to parchment paper. It's okay if you're out of parchment paper, it's not necessary. If you want to be on the safer side you can coat your pan with oil or butter but I've not put anything on my baking pan countless times while making cookies and there has been no problem :)

10. Take an ice cream scooper and take big scoops of the cookie dough and place it onto the baking pan. A ladle works the same as a scooper if you don't have one :)

11. Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 190 Degrees Celsius for 7 minutes, as I've mentioned before, my oven bakes things rather faster than other ones so it might take about 12 minutes too for other ovens. Once you take out the cookies, let them cool completely and don't touch the cookies while they're still hot as they're very delicate and will break :) Wait for 10-20 minutes for it to cool and enjoy!

The cookies are ready! I really hope that you'll like/ liked this recipe, I've done this for more than 3 times and they turned out absolutely amazing.

That's it for today! 

I hope you'll try this!

Comment down how yours turned out if you did!

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Till then,

Stay Pickleful!

Au Revoir!


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